CRITICAL SHORTAGE: St. Francis Holy Name Society and Hoboken Boy Scout Troop 146 Host Crucial Blood Drive — SATURDAY, JAN. 14th
Is “helping others” on your list of New Year’s Resolutions?
Right now the American Red Cross is looking at “an emergency need for blood donations,” citing a critical shortage of blood for urgent care in our area.
To that end, the St. Francis Holy Name Society and Hoboken Boy Scout Troop 146 have partnered to conduct a BLOOD DRIVE on Saturday, January 14 from 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. at the Saint Francis Parish Center | Mile Square School (308 Jefferson Street, Hoboken).
Not sure if you’re eligible? Click Here.
Area hospital patients are counting on you during this critical month!Remember to HYDRATE – drink plenty of water.
Please remember your ID.