Hoboken Takes A Swing at NJ Transit Over Plans On The Waterfront
Oh, it’s so on…
The City of Hoboken took a swing at NJ Transit today via a letter expressing “strong opposition and extreme disappointment” over the company’s $12 million plan to take over Union Dry Dock in a partnership with NY Waterway.
The ferry company has reportedly filed for a permit with NJDEP, seeking approval to repair their vessels at the Union Dry Dock location. The City is moving ahead with eminent domain proceedings in an effort to acquire the property for park space.
A portion of today’s letter reads:
“NJ TRANSIT has raised fares twice and raided billions of dollars from its capital fund to pay for operations over the last 8 years, so it’s outrageous that, despite its acute financial challenges, it is considering spending millions of dollars on a plan that would permanently scar our waterfront.”
OH SNAP… so much for this ending amicably.
The letter, which can be viewed HERE in its entirety, is signed by both Mayor Zimmer and Mayor-Elect Bhalla.
Residents are invited to speak at the next NJ Transit board meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 9:00am in the Board Room at NJ Transit’s Headquarters, One Penn Plaza East, Ninth Floor, Newark.