ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL: Hoboken Police Find Drunk Driver Napping in the Middle of the Road
If you’ve had too much to drink, it’s generally a good idea to sleep it off. Just don’t sleep in the car… while it’s running… in the middle of the street.
At approximately 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, Hoboken Police Officers Milne and Rutkowski were dispatched to the area of Newark and Park Avenue, responding to a report of a vehicle in the middle of the road. A 2017 white Subaru sat on the road, occupied by two passengers who appeared to be sleeping—with the engine running while they slept.
It reportedly took HPD several minutes to wake them, to the point that Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps support was requested.
The driver—Sergio Bonilla, Age 25, of West New York—was placed under arrest and transported to headquarters for processing. A breath sample was given and he was found to be above the legal limit. He has been charged with Driving While Intoxicated, DWI in a School Zone, Reckless Driving, and Failure to Exhibit License.