BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES: Hoboken Weather Warning for Heavy Rain, Hurricane-Force Winds, Flooding Risk
Hoboken weather is about to take a turn for the worse.
Over the next few hours, a nor’easter will roll through town, bringing with it high winds, heavy rain and possible urban flooding.
A High Wind Warning is in effect until 1:00 a.m., with sustained winds between 30-40 mph and gusts over 60 mph. Be sure to secure any items (garbage cans, outdoor furniture, small children) to avoid damage.
A Flood Watch and Coastal Flooding Advisory are in effect for Hoboken until 6:00 a.m. Tuesday.
Check out the Stevens Flood Advisory System for up-to-the-minute data on any flooding situations in the area.
Hoboken Schools have suspended all after-school activities. Double-check any afternoon and evening plans.
With a risk of power outage, be sure to fully charge all electronic devices whenever possible, and keep flashlights handy. Visit Hoboken CERT for more information.