BILL’S SPACE SHOW: Episode 2 | The Rob Nicholas Band Performing “Rise” (LIVE – 1 Night in Hoboken)
by William James Hamilton
A few years ago, Bill’s Space Show put on and filmed our first concert for our YouTube channel. The guest was the Karyn Kuhl Band. We gathered our lights, camera and projections and decided to test everything out, making sure the talent would look good on camera.
Fortunately, several bands were willing to come to the Space the night before and play two original songs. This gave us the opportunity to experiment with color temperatures, brightness levels and the overall look of the shots.
Some of the bands looked better than others, and, as one might guess, the last band of the night looked the best – mission accomplished! As a result, post-production, in particular the color correction, was a challenge. It’s only been since the beginning of the year that I was able to finally go through everything and attempt to make it look nice and consistent, as well as mix everything.
We caught a real moment in time for the Hudson County music scene. All of us together, cheering each other on. Something I have sorely missed in the last year and a half. Fortunately, with the world getting back to normal we can start to get back together, like for the upcoming Tom Petty Engagement at Sinatra Park, which features many of the musicians you’ll see on 1 Night in Hoboken. All of us at Bill’s Space Show hope that by the time the last episode premieres that we’ll have at least one concert scheduled at the Space.
Rob Nicholas is a singer/songwriter that has been a fixture of the Hudson County music scene for longer than he or I am willing to admit. I first met him at an open mic and was taken with his vocal style and catchy songs. For this performance Rob is joined by guitarist Ty Tuchen, bass player Jack Breslin and drummer Chuck Tumulty.
Rob started writing songs in high school on piano. He says things really started to come together when he switched to guitar in college. “Rise” is off his first album “I’m Dreamin.'” He is currently in pre-production on a follow up EP.
You can catch Rob at Finnegan’s Pub in Hoboken Friday, July 23rd from 7-9. He’ll also be performing in his home town of Landsdale, PA in August.
For more information including Rob’s performance schedule check out his website, www.robnicholasmusic.
You can find his music on Spotify and Apple Music.