CUT LOOSE: Elks Club Hosting All-Schools Dance for Hoboken 6th Graders — FRIDAY, MARCH 6th
ABOVE: via Netflix
Today, Hoboken has more kids than it has had in recent years. Yet so many of them remain strangers to each other—given the fact that Hoboken has so many different educational opportunities, sometimes kids don’t make the valuable connection with their peers next door.
With that in mind, a number of parents have worked together to host an All Schools Dance for 6th Graders this Friday, March 6th at the Elks Club (1005 Washington Street).
“A lot of these kids only see each other on the athletic fields when they’re young, then they disconnect because they all go to various schools,” says co-organizer Lori Heidenry. “We think it would be great to have an event for them that is more community oriented.”
The all school dance will welcome any student attending 6th grade in a Hoboken school to join together for a night of dancing, snacks, and fun. ALL SCHOOLS in Hoboken—private, public, home-schooled and charter—will come together at this fourth annual event.
The all-school dance brings both local families and the extended local community together. The event will feature a DJ and photo booth.
March 6, 2020
The Elks Club
Doors open 5:45, Event 6:00-8:00 pm
Admission cost per student: $5
Any proceeds will go to the Hoboken Elks Club.