FRIDAYS ARE FOR FRANK: “Nice ‘n’ Easy” (Sinatra Social Distancing)
“Let’s take it nice ‘n’ easy, it’s gonna be so easy…”
Easy for you to say…
For a man who was out every night and traveled with an entourage, it’s hard to imagine how Frank Sinatra would handle the self-isolation directives we’re getting as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.
But as much of a social butterfly as Frank was, he also knew how to take it Nice ‘n’ Easy when the situation called for it.
Sinatra’s 1960 album Nice ‘n’ Easy spent nine weeks at number one on the Billboard Album Chart.
With the notable exception of the title track, all the songs are sung as ballads and were arranged and conducted by Nelson Riddle.
“Nice ‘n’ Easy” the song is a plucky, jazzy tune that exudes a quiet, casual confidence—the Rat Pack version of “speak softly, but carry a big stick.”
“The problem now of course is
To simply hold your horses, to rush would be a crime…“
Seems like we’re all going to have to hold our horses for awhile as this thing runs its course. What’s important is to maintain that quiet confidence in our own abilities to persevere, and take heed of those around us.
Everyone, and we mean EVERYONE is being impacted by this. The sooner we all start doing our part and stopping the spread of this virus, the sooner our lives can get back to normal.
Throughout his life, Frank could be a belligerent hothead at times. He also had a bit of a… shall we say… “morally casual” approach to many, many things. But when it came time to do what was right for the greater good, Frank would get on board.
“‘Cause nice ‘n’ easy does it every time…”
Take it easy folks… Stay home, maintain your social distance, and please wash your hands.
See you for a drink when this is all over.