FRIDAYS ARE FOR FRANK: “From Both Sides, Now” (James Comey Tribute)
So we’ve made a habit of weaving current events into our “Fridays Are For Frank” selections—whether that’s clever or lazy, time will tell. Perhaps the day will come when all these news items are just obscure memory…
But for now, the big news of the week is that President Trump (it still hurts to see that title in print) has summarily dismissed the Director of the FBI, James Comey. The Director had been conducting an investigation into the President’s ties with Russia. He had also conducted investigations into Hillary Clinton‘s activities, which the former candidate recently cited as a reason for her losing the Presidential Election.
Just before his dismissal, Comey offered introspective testimony on his rationale for reopening Clinton’s investigation on October 27, 2016—so close to the actual election.
“[To] speak would be really bad. There’s an election in 11 days, Lordy, that would be really bad,” said Comey. “Concealing in my view would be catastrophic, not just to the FBI, but well beyond. And honestly, as between really bad and catastrophic, I said to my team we got to walk into the world of really bad.”
Comey looked at life from both sides, now…
Frank Sinatra released his Cycles album in December of 1968. It was a departure, for sure—covering folk-rock tunes from Glen Campbell and Joni Mitchell. One of the more notable/infamous selections off that album was his uptempo cover of “From Both Sides, Now,” which critics have assailed over the years as a transparent gasp for youthful relevance in a particularly dynamic time in American pop culture. The timing of the album, immediately after his divorce from Mia Farrow, made everything seem a bit… um… out of place.
As Comey can tell you, timing is everything in life. The now-former Director’s somewhat cornball delivery of heartfelt emotion, combined with the fact that he’s taking flak from both sides, now, makes this song a relevant nod to a guy who—love him or hate him—has had a tough week…
“But now old friends they’re acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I’ve changed
Well something’s lost, but something’s gained
In living every day.”
We hear you, Jim… Lordy, we hear you.
As for Frank, he made it through his share of FBI investigations. He also worked on behalf of the Democrats AND the Republicans.
“I’ve looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It’s life’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know life at all…”