FRIDAYS ARE FOR FRANK: “There Are Such Things” — Sinatra Gold Toilet Up For Auction
“Someone to whisper darling
You’re my guiding star
Not caring what you own
But just what you are…”
Frank Sinatra was nominated for Best Actor for his 1955 performance in The Man With the Golden Arm. As it turns out, he had a golden toilet, too…
A number of Sinatra’s belongings are currently up for auction from his executive suite at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City. Among those nuggets is a golden toilet seat.
“You actually have a chance, as the public, to own something that Frank Sinatra sat on,” said a spokesman for S&S Auction in Swedesboro, New Jersey.
In addition to the Chairman’s throne, there’s also a mahogany bar, a bronze-ebony clock, a piano, and a variety of more conventional seating options.
The auction is this Sunday—CLICK HERE to check out all the extravagant items. For “There Are Such Things”…
(H/T: Richie D.)