WHEN HARVEY MET SANDY: Hoboken Community to Raise Funds for Texas Hurricane Relief—SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th
(LEFT: Houston, 2017; RIGHT: Hoboken, 2012)
In the wake of cataclysmic events such as the Asian Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina less than a year later, the Hoboken hospitality and small business communities offered a swift and generous response to those in need.
In 2012, when Superstorm Sandy rolled into Hoboken, we benefited from an immediate outpouring of support from communities and organizations worldwide.
Now, as we watch the terrifying events unfold in southeast Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we know all too well what is needed.
With the help of those experienced in coordinating previous flood relief fundraisers, hMAG will be organizing a citywide donation event on Saturday, September 16. Participating bars and restaurants will charge an optional $1 cover, with an additional collection bin on the bar for patrons to pitch in should they feel so inclined.
Collection buckets will also be distributed to local retailers and other businesses. ALL collected funds will be donated directly to the Greater Houston Community Foundation’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.
The wider the net, the bigger the yield—this fundraising event is open to anyone and everyone willing to participate.
Interested parties, please contact chris@hmag.com.