HOBOKEN: The Little Town That Should…
It used to be quaint whenever Hoboken hit some sort of perceived urban milestone. “Oh wow, look at Hoboken getting a Starbucks…” “Hey, check out Hoboken, with its fancy wine bar…” “Well, aren’t you slick, with your big concert on the Waterfront…”
For years this town was seen as little more than a holding pen for the post-collegiate crowd who wanted to dip their toes into the urban lifestyle before scurrying off to the burbs. Today, individuals and even families move to Hoboken by choice, waltzing in like it was some sort of secret that they themselves had just discovered.
We’re on the map now—and at times it’s hard to tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. It often appears that we’re a victim of our own success, yet somehow simultaneously ambivalent to what truly matters here in town.
We’ve become a case study for the ongoing regional battles of gentrification, and frankly it is what it is. I wasn’t born here, so I guess that makes me part of the problem. But after nearly two decades in Hoboken, I have opinions about this town to which I feel entitled. Given the resources and talent making up our little enclave, Hoboken has gone from the little town that could to the little town that should.
Hoboken should have adequate infrastructure, cleaner streets, functional public facilities, successful schools, thriving local businesses, passionate urban diversity and a vibrant cultural scene.
Hoboken should have visionary, cohesive leadership that strives to do what’s best for Hoboken on the whole. Hoboken should have active and engaged residents—not factional drones butting heads over every single issue, but free-thinking individuals who can express concern while also acknowledging the fact that they are one of 50,000+ packed into a square mile.
On Tuesday, November 3, there will be municipal elections here in Hoboken. If you’re eligible to vote and aren’t registered, please do so. If you’re registered, please educate yourself on the local issues and seek out candidates you feel best represent your point of view.
I’m not going to tell you how to vote. I’m just going to tell you TO vote. Take a role in your community. Whether you’re born and raised or just pulling in—if you live here now, Hoboken should be yours, too.
Christopher M. Halleron