THE INTERVIEW: Local Playwright Premieres Original Work at Hoboken’s Mile Square Theatre — June 29th & 30th
The Interview promises a twist around every corner…
Starring Michael Travers & Daniel Esposito, Writer & Director Morgan Gertler is a Hoboken Girl (literally—and by literally, we mean she literally writes for HobokenGirl) who is excited to premiere her original play here in town at Mile Square Theatre.
Shows are on June 29th at 8pm and June 30th at 3pm (CLICK HERE for tickets), and while there’s a Q&A session after each performance, we couldn’t wait… so we had our own “Interview” with Gertler earlier this week…
hMAG: What’s The Interview about?
Morgan Gertler: The Interview is a dark comedy with a ton of plot twists and surprises. It definitely has a mysterious feel to it. It’s a two-man show that dives into a few topics. Some are pretty funny, and others are darker. There is a definitely a philosophical undertone to it that will make the audience question certain things about their beliefs and outlooks on life.
h: Who are the actors, and what do they bring to characters in the performance?
MG: Michael Travers and Daniel Esposito are the stars of the show. Jennifer Rossano, a Hoboken local, plays a minor part as well. Mike and Dan bring out the many sides of their characters – I think the audience will want to dislike them based on what we learn about them, but will have a hard time not being charmed.
h: How did you come to write the play?
MG: I actually wrote the original version during my senior year in college for a playwriting class. For this show, it’s been expanded quite a bit and I changed the title. My professor had really liked it, so he submitted it to be produced for one night, and it was. It was small theater in Bloomfield and I had some actors volunteer for a one night show. It was only about 20 minutes at the time so it was just a small little show, but it was so amazing to see my characters to come life, and I’ve had the bug to do a real show ever since.
h: How did this production at Mile Square Theatre come about?
MG: I had been in touch with a theater in Bergen County about doing the show there but due to their lease coming up for renewal, they weren’t able to book it for the dates I wanted. So I reached out to Mile Square Theatre, thinking they would probably be booked but it ended up they had the exact dates we needed. It’s worked out so well, since Hoboken is my home, and I have a close relationship with so many businesses and communities in town, and I got a ton of support by having the show debut here.
h: Are you working on any other projects?
MG: I have a few ideas, and there are some shows that I’d like to be involved in, but I think it’s important for me to focus all my energy on this show, because I really believe in this story and what we’ve created. I’m hoping we can bring it to other theaters and continue to do more with it.
Written & Directed by Morgan Gertler
Starring Michael Travers & Daniel Esposito
Shows are on June 29th at 8pm and June 30th at 3pm at Mile Square Theatre
Valet Parking available for $10 through Parking Dude.
(Parking Garage is also available at The Harlow at 1330 Willow Ave, just 2 blocks from the theater.)
Tickets are $20 online, and $30 at the door.
Only a limited amount will be available to purchase night of the shows.
Not appropriate for children due to language and adult content
Drinks and refreshments will be offered before the show.