NYPost Says Hoboken’s All Growns Up
We’re growns up and we’re growns up and we’re growns up… at least according to The New York Post.
In “From bro bars to chic strollers, Hoboken (finally) grows up,” NYPost writer Wesley Yiin paints a pretty accurate picture of Hoboken’s contemporary demographics, and how they are shaping the current real estate landscape in what, “has become an attractive home for residents of all ages, from infants to empty nesters.”
Citing the city’s ongoing metamorphosis from docktown to artist community to frat row to today’s family-friendly stroller derby, Yiin takes a look at how these changes are impacting development in our little Waterfront enclave.
The article gives a shout out to our good friends at Little Town Social and the Ainsworth, as well as Halstead Properties.
CLICK HERE for more.
Thanks for the nod, NYPost.
Like Mikey in Swingers, we “have it under control, okay?”