RESCUED: Stolen Liberty Humane Society Animal Control Van Recovered
Three out of every five vehicles stolen in this country are eventually recovered. Those stats worked in the favor of the Liberty Humane Society, as the tale of their lost four-wheeled companion has a happy ending—thanks to a vigilant watchdog and the bloodhounds at Bayonne PD.
Last week we shared the story that a Liberty Humane Society (LHS) van was responding to a call Monday night on 48th Street in Bayonne, according to Peter D’Auria of The Jersey Journal. The keys were in it and it was running when it was stolen from the scene. Thankfully, no animals were inside.
hMAG has since heard from LHS that the van was been recovered and is back in action.
“The van was found on a dead end street in by Bayonne PD after it was recognized by a resident,” says Irene Borngraeber, Executive Director at Liberty Humane Society. “It was towed to a garage and appears to be undamaged, with all equipment intact. Bayonne PD dusted for fingerprints and we are waiting for any leads.”
Liberty Humane Society serves communities throughout Hudson County with compassion and respect as they aim to provide animals in need with a chance at a lifelong, loving home. The initial story led to an outpouring of community support, as readers wanted to know how they could help with the situation.

image via Cars.com
LHS, meanwhile, have realized how vulnerable their operations could be if they were without that essential vehicle. “We would like to purchase another vehicle, and are looking for leads on a used Ford Transit Connect,” says Borngraeber. “If anyone has connections with a dealer or other agency who could help us, we would appreciate it.”