TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT: ALEOproduction and the City of Hoboken Present
All alone at the end of the evening, and the bright lights have faded to blue, the City of Hoboken and ALEOproduction team up for The Eagles Engagement—Saturday, December 26 at 8 p.m.
With Christmas in the rear view, ALEOproduction goes back to a project it had originally planned to deliver on the Hoboken Waterfront this past summer. Musicians of Hoboken and the greater Hudson County have come together at the Sinatra Park Amphitheater over the past few years to celebrate the music of a particular band or artist who has made an impact.
This year’s tribute was to The Eagles, and since the live series at the park was cancelled due to COIVD-19, participating musicians put together a virtual presentation, all recorded from their own homes or studios.
“The music of the Eagles is filled with tight and glorious harmonies floating over a rock and roll/country hybrid of finely crafted songs,” said Jaime DeJesus, of ALEOproduction. “We are looking forward to sharing this music with our community.”
All of the performers, editors, and audio engineers are residents of Hoboken and Hudson County:
The Eagles Engagement will be streamed live at 8 p.m. on the City of Hoboken’s FaceBook/Instagram @Hoboken.
For more information: Hobokennj.gov/departments/cultural-affairs
ALEOproduction and the City of Hoboken present: The Eagles Engagement
December 26, 2020
– 8p –
streaming live on: FB and IG @Hoboken
For a taste of what’s to come Saturday night, here’s a little Canned Heat to keep you warm…