ALEO at W Hoboken Puts Local Musicians in the Limelight
Think of some of the more prominent hotels in rock history—the Morrison Hotel, Mars Hotel, Hotel California… Frank Zappa even had 200 Motels.
Here in Hoboken, we have The W Hotel. This summer, ALEO Productions brings some of Hoboken’s best live music to this stunning waterfront setting—taking over the stage at Lulu’s for four consecutive Friday evenings.
“Hoboken has been evolving into a thriving Manhattan suburb while persistently holding onto the values and personality that define it,” says ALEO’s Jaime DeJesus. “Our artists, some who have been here for a while, and some who are just discovering their pride for our city, are taking snapshots of these moments and making beautiful and exciting music that elaborates on this feeling.”
This concert series defies the notion that upscale development has to completely stifle the organic artistic scene.
“The concept is to create an aural gallery to display the original music that comes from our area There are 40+ of our area’s artists on display. The intention is to provide a comfortable place for the artist to tell the stories,” says DeJesus. “These bands are good. Really good. And together, with the community, they are doing their part to beautify and electrify our town.”
Meanwhile, the series will likely draw local Hobokenites who may not yet fully appreciate the asset that is the W Hotel.
“The venue, Lulu’s, is a beautiful club. It has that swanky W Hotel feel. The main lobby downstairs and the venue upstairs both have these intricate and enormous mosaics of city vistas, made out of spoons and paper clips and other various metal scraps. The room has open views of the Manhattan skyline, the adjacent patio shares that same view with the outdoor breeze.”
ALEO at the W Hoboken – Hoboken Locals runs June 23rd & 30th, July 7th & 14th.
June 23rd:
Fuse Patrol | Defending Champions
June 30th:
Head Cheerleader | Sylvana Joyce and the Moment
July 7th:
Rob Nicholas Band | Karyn Kuhl Band
July 14th:
Uncle Stump | Christina Alessi and the Toll Collectors