Auf Wiedersehen, Helmer’s…
After months of speculation, turns out the word on the street is true—Helmer’s will be closing its doors this week.
One of the last vestiges of Hoboken’s German immigrant roots, Helmer’s opened on the corner of 11th and Washington in 1936, right on the heels of Prohibition. Known for it’s ausgezeichnet German cuisine and a robust imported beer selection, the longtime fixture on Hoboken’s main drag will be going dark at the end of the night on Wednesday—New Year’s Eve.
No real reason was cited for the closure. “[The owners] just want to shut it down… it’s a shame,” said the gentleman behind the bar.
There is no word on what will fill the space.
A devastating loss for fans of good food, great service, and warm ambiance, Helmer’s is an endearing anachronism that recalls a time when a bar wasn’t a “scene,” it was just a bar. There’s no blaring dance music, there’s no wall-to-wall plasma, there’s no dancefloor—just innate character, rich history and a casual sense of belonging.
While the draft selection is limited, they’ll be serving what they’ve got until they go dry. Stop by and pay your respects…