COMMUTE OF THE FUTURE: JetPack Pilot Flies Around Statue of Liberty
Here at hMAG, we openly scoffed at Jersey City’s pedestrian walkway concept, noting that our SHZL (Span-Hudson ZipLine) was way cooler.
Well, someone just upped the ante.
Touché, JetPack guy…
According to JetPackAviation.com:
Soaring high across the Hudson River, Australian entrepreneur David Mayman became the first person to prove the viability of personal flying devices. Mayman’s flight was the culmination of a 10 year challenge to design and build a light-weight, wearable flying device that will allow people to take to the skies.
The JB-9 is small enough to sit in the back seat of a car but powerful enough to fly thousands of feet high.
The JB-9 jetpack, approved for the flight by the FAA and US Coast Guard was developed by legendary Hollywood inventor (and winner of 3 Academy Awards), Nelson Tyler and Mayman. The miniature jet-turbine back pack is fast, powerful, and unlike rocket powered belts, safe and practical to operate. Tyler and Mayman have spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours secretly developing the device which has never before been seen in public. Their struggle has been documented over the last eight years by an Emmy-award winning film team.
Keep this in mind next time the PATH goes down: