Cucharamama Gets (Another) James Beard Nod for Outstanding Chef
Cucharamama‘s Maricel Presilla has been named yet again as a semifinalist for the James Beard Award for Outstanding Chef.
Presilla won the award in 2012, and is also the first Latin American woman to ever cook as guest chef at the White House.
Cucharamama (233 Clinton Street), Spanish for “mother spoon,” specializes in artisanal South American cooking from Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil—as opposed to the Latin/Caribbean cuisine further north.
Featuring a free-standing wood-burning oven, Cucharamama offers an amazing array of flavors and dishes—from flatbreads to ribeyes—all cooked to exacting perfection by one of the best chefs in the country.
And with compliments to the chef, the bartender shouldn’t be overlooked either… Cucharamama has an equally impressive menu of authentic South American cocktails—Brazil’s caipirinha, Peru’s pisco sour and so many more.
Stop by Cucharamama and raise a glass to Maricel…