My Custom Cleanse: Strong to the Finish
A few weeks back I embarked on a personalized cleanse diet in the hopes of streamlining my… ahem… “husky” frame.
I’ll get right to the point—I feel awesome, and it’s so much easier than it sounds.
At Complete Nutrition and Wellness (101 Park Ave., Hoboken), nutritionists Inna Topiler and Alyssa Cellini offer a pragmatic approach. With an emphasis on “complete,” they focus on personalized nutrition—identifying the wellness goals of the individual and the underlying conditions or habits that have brought people there in the first place.

Inna and Alyssa put their heads together to develop My Custom Cleanse—a pragmatic, personalized nutritional program.
“Our clients have inspired us to always continue learning to figure out the reasons behind their health concerns,” says Inna. “We use health histories, symptoms, dietary habits, and lifestyle choices, as well as a myriad of functional testing to identify the areas that need nutritional support.
While this all this sounds pretty time-consuming, the process has been streamlined for the client’s convenience. After filling out a brief yet insightful questionnaire, I signed up for My Custom Cleanse 15-day program and received my food plan, plus supplements—delivered straight to my apartment.
Supplements include a dairy-free/whey-free protein shake powder that can serve as a meal replacement or a snack, plus liver and stomach balancing capsules taken throughout the day per instructions on the meal plan give your body a chance to push out toxins and get back into better working order.
The supplements worked in tandem with a surprisingly reasonable meal plan—tailored SPECIFICALLY for me.
Breakfast: Shake and a Banana
Second Breakfast (liking this already): Oatmeal, Bacon and some Blueberries
Lunch: Grilled Chicken with Veggies and Fruit
Afternoon Snack: Shake with Fruit and Nuts
Dinner: Fish/Chicken/Turkey Burgers, Veggies and Fruit
Bedtime Snack: Turkey and Celery with Hummus
There are obviously a lot of no-no’s—namely booze (honestly, not THAT big a deal), caffeine (even less of a deal for me), dairy (I do like my cheese) and heavy starches (NO BREAD?!?! In THIS town?!?!).
But I did well to fill out the menu, replaced my usually thick coating of Lawry’s Seasoned Salt with combinations of fresh herbs and spices, and I got some pretty good meals.
There WERE some bumps in the road… Social events were surprisingly awkward.
“You’re not drinking? Really?!? YOU?!?! NOT DRINKING?!?!?!?!?!”
That has less to do with the cleanse and more to do with the reason I needed to do this. If you’re not a notorious and well-documented tippler, you’ll have an easier time in this department. If you typically throw them back like Homer J. Simpson, you’ll have to face this head on—which I did. I explained the entire concept to people, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them gave it a shot.
As for side-effects…
I dropped 12 lbs in 15 days. More importantly, doing it via My Custom Cleanse I was able to detoxify my organs and improve my overall digestion. The knock-on effect here is that I felt a balance to my hormones and an increase my metabolism.
By Day 4 I had noticeably more energy. By Day 6, I felt as though I had a clearer mind.
By Day 10, I was already looking ahead and planning my “celebratory meal”—but by Day 15, I didn’t want it. Who needs big greasy bacon double-cheeseburgers when all it takes is a bit of culinary creativity and some portion control?
Unexpected side-effects…
I’ve been biking a lot more, doing push-ups… and I even go jogging. I still hate jogging, but I do it now.
Have I relapsed since? Of course I have. And to be honest, I don’t like it at all.
A couple of drinks here and there, I’m ok with. But my appetite has changed significantly for the better. Rather than going big and inhaling everything on the plate, I’ve started to order my food with a dose of practicality. That’s a huge step for me.
Of course when I’m at home, I’ll cook healthy. It’s pretty easy, and it honestly tastes good.
To learn more, check out MyCustomCleanse.com