ELECTION 2019 — Hoboken City Council Candidate Questionnaire — VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th
hMAG has never sought, nor would we accept political campaign ads. Nor will hMAG offer an “official endorsement” of any candidates. Our only objective is to educate our readers on the issues facing this town, and let them formulate their own opinions.
With that in mind, we present our 2019 Hoboken City Council Candidate Questionnaire—asking the tough questions about duty, policy, service… and Sinatra.
You’ve seen the mailers, you’ve endured the campaign—now see the candidates as they present themselves in their own words…
- You’re a candidate for the Hoboken City Council. This particular election has put a lot of focus on the role of a Council and a Councilperson, working in conjunction with the City’s Administration. How do you interpret that role?
- What are the key issues within your ward and how will you plan to address them?
- What are the key issues facing Hoboken on the whole, and how will you plan to address them?
- You are running against someone. In what way(s) do you differ from your opponent(s)?
- Why should residents in your ward give their vote to you?
- What’s your favorite Frank Sinatra song, and why?
- FIRST WARD: Michael DeFusco / Migdalia Pagan-Milano
- SECOND WARD: Tiffanie Fisher / Nora Martínez-DeBenedetto
- THIRD WARD: Ron Bautista / Michael Russo
- FOURTH WARD: Ruben Ramos / Lisa Sprengle
- FIFTH WARD: Phil Cohen / Tim Crowell / Nicola Maganuco
- SIXTH WARD: Cristin Cricco-Powell / Jen Giattino / Frank Rosner
CLICK HERE for voting information…