FRIDAYS ARE FOR FRANK: “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter” (USPS Edition)
(ABOVE: Image via Hoboken Historical Museum)
“I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
And make believe it came from you
I’m gonna write words, oh, so sweet
They’re gonna knock me off my feet
A lotta kisses at the bottom
I’ll be glad I got ’em”
In 2003, the United States Postal Service named Hoboken’s main post office the “Frank Sinatra Post Office Building.”
According The Hudson Reporter, Frank’s daughter and word-famous recording artist Nancy Sinatra told those at the dedication ceremony, “My dad already has his picture hanging in just about every restaurant, bar, and dry cleaner in town—but I’m not all that sure that he would want his picture hanging in the post office.”
In 2008, the United States Postal Service issued commemorative Frank Sinatra stamps, available for a limited time. Art director Richard Sheaff and stamp artist Kazuhiko Sano chose to present an iconic figure of Sinatra based on a photograph by an unknown photographer.
While the Sinatra stamps are no longer available via the USPS website, other stamps are. Right now would be a good time to go and buy some.
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