GODSPEED, FR. BOB: Popular Hoboken Priest Appointed to Church in Summit

photo via Waterfront Project
Monsignor Robert “Fr. Bob” Meyer, Pastor of Ss Peter & Paul RC Church in Hoboken and administrator of St Lawrence RC Church in Weehawken, announced this week that he has been reassigned to head up St. Teresa of Avila RC Church in Summit, NJ.
Fr. Bob had been Pastor of Ss Peter & Paul since September 2010. He also serves as Chaplain of the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office, Hoboken Fire Department, Hoboken Police Department, Hoboken Ambulance Volunteer Corps and Chairman of the Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund (created to aid residents of Hoboken devastated by Super-Storm Sandy), a member of the Board of Directors for Hudson Catholic High School in Jersey City and is on the Board of Trustees for Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. As a civil attorney, he is on the Board of The Waterfront Project, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) charity providing legal assistance to the poor residents of Hudson County.
While he will still serve within the Archdiocese of Newark, he will certainly be missed by the local Catholic community and the Hoboken community in general.