GYM’S CLOSED, BRO: Hoboken Orders Gyms, Health Centers, Movie Theaters, Day Care Centers Closed
(ABOVE: Dramatization—via MTV)
We have a Situation…
Hoboken OEM has ordered the closure of gyms, health clubs, recreation centers, movie theaters, day care centers, and day camps as it looks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus.
This comes a day after Hoboken announced its first case of Coronavirus—the same day as neighboring Jersey City.
Yesterday, Hoboken took the steps to close the City’s sports fields and playgrounds.
“Our Health Department continues to recommend practicing social distancing (remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance of approximately 6 feet from others), washing and sanitizing your hands frequently, and to work from home if you are able,” said Mayor Bhalla, in a March 13 statement.
“I want to let all of Hoboken know that although we are in a period of uncertainty, we are one community and I know that we will get through this together.”