HUDSON SOUL: Hoboken Hi-Fi Reggae Party — SATURDAY @ MAXWELL’S
Hoboken Hi-Fi Reggae Party this Saturday, July 16 at Maxwell’s, featuring performances by Jersey City reggae natives Kiwi and reggae veteran Dave Hillyard (co-founder of The Slackers) in a rare performance together.
Hoboken Hi-Fi owner Jim the Boss will be doing his analog dub mixing live on stage, with Boom One Records vocalist B. Davis.
Jim the Boss’ new Hudson Soul album will be for sale at the show as well as a limited edition batch of Hoboken HiFi’s first 45rpm record release. Also new music and merch from Kiwi and Dave Hillyard.
Local record store Bash and Pop will be selling select reggae records.
Hoboken Hi-Fi Reggae Party
Saturday, July 16
Starts at 8pm
Admission is $10.
Maxwell’s Tavern
1039 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ