Party With Purpose 5K Registration Happy Hour — TONIGHT @ City Bistro
Join Party with Purpose (PWP) for their Summer Rooftop Fundraiser at City Bistro!
A $10 cash donation to PWP at door gets you a wristband and specials on the rooftop:
- $5 Draft Beers
- $7 Well Liquor Drinks
- $7 House Wine by the Glass
- $5 Select Apps: Shishito Peppers, Mini Pretzels, Firecracker Shrimp, Hummus, Turkey Meatballs
There will also be info and sign up sheets available for the PWP 5K in Hoboken on July 12, 2016. If you sign up for the race tonight, your $10 donation will go towards your registration and you will receive a bonus dry-fit shirt on the spot!
You will also be able to get information about joining the PWP NYC Marathon 2016 Team!
Party With Purpose (PWP) is a 100% volunteer based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded on the concept of producing great events to raise money for charities and bring the community together in the process.
For more information on Party with Purpose or to register now for our 5K go to: http://