PETS & THEIR PEOPLE 5K RUN/WALK: Benefit for St. Francis Hoboken’s Father Michael Food Pantry — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th @ PIER A
ABOVE: photo by Craig Wallace Dale/Beyond the Photograph
(via St. Francis Church)
A fun and uniquely Hoboken tradition starts this October with the launch of the Pets & Their People 5K Race/Walk on Saturday, Oct. 6 to benefit the Father Michael Food Pantry at St. Francis Church.
St. Francis, known as the Little Church with the Big Heart, is one of Hoboken’s oldest parishes. For the first time, the parish will observe the Feast Day of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, with the race to help celebrate all of God’s creatures. The 5K is open to all levels of runners and walkers. Participants are welcome to join with or without their pets.
The race for 2-legged participants (Runners Only) begins at 9 AM and the race for 6-legged participants (Pets and People) follows at 9:10 AM on Saturday, Oct. 6 at Pier A in Hoboken. All participants are invited to pick up their race packets on Thursday, Oct. 4, and join St. Francis for its annual special Blessing of the Animals Mass at 7 PM.
“Despite the very dark cloud that hangs over the Roman Catholic Church right now it’s imperative that local parishes continue to shepherd the faithful and fulfill our mission to care for the poor, sick and needy in our local community,” said Father Chris Panlilio, the pastor of the Church.
St. Francis provides sandwiches and groceries to hundreds of families in Hoboken each month. All proceeds will benefit the Father Michael Food Pantry, which was officially renamed in October to commemorate the church’s previous pastor, Father Michael Guglielmelli. He had retired in 2012 but remained a very active priest at the parish. Last June, however, he and his two sisters were killed in a tragic car accident.
People who want to participate in the race can register, volunteer or donate at the race website: http://www.petsandtheirpeople5k.com.
Race registration closes on Monday, Oct. 1. For any questions please contact Theresa Howard at 201.795.5404.