RAVE: Original Renegade Lacrosse Gear
Photos courtesy of Original Renegade
“Make Shots, Not Excuses,” says one of the t-shirts of Original Renegade, a lacrosse lifestyle brand that was created by two Hobokenites who love lacrosse. The founders, David Grills and Josh Skrezec, recognized a need for fan-based clothing for the sport. Together they dreamed up Original Renegade, a line of clothing with terrific graphics that fans can embrace.
Open since May 2014, the pair sell their clothing online and at tournaments. Last July, they went to the Lacrosse World Cup tournament in Denver. While they didn’t realize the amount of work involved in setting up for the vendor’s village, it was incredibly fulfilling—especially when they met a young team from Uganda, and they gave them the t-shirts. “They were just so thankful,” says Grills.
Currently, the bucket hat is the most popular item and their men’s line of t-shirts has really taken off. Now they hope to expand their line of shirts for women and children. “Eventually, we want to expand to the Midwest and California,” says Grills. But for now, tournaments and online sales keep them busy.
To find out more, visit: www.originalrenegade.com.