REVIEW: “Blood (Coming Out of Her Whatever)” — Debut Single from Hoboken Supergroup psych-O-positive
by Jack Silbert
When Karyn Kuhl takes a backseat — literally — to anybody, you know something special is going on. Kuhl, Hoboken’s leading lady of rock, is usually front and center, either with her guitar in the Karyn Kuhl Band or teaching “Little RocknRollers” at Guitar Bar Jr. But in the new band psych-O-positive, Kuhl is content to play the drums, and believe me, she’s no slouch.
On their blistering debut single, “Blood (Coming Out of Her Whatever),” another Hoboken star, bassist Debby Schwartz, also steps slightly to the side. (Schwartz is best known for leading 90s band the Aquanettas, and for her solo album Wrongs of Passage released on Mercury Records and produced by Guitar Bar’s James Mastro.)
The spotlight on this track falls on Judy Ann Nock, who wrote the Trump-referencing lyrics and provides lead vocals. Her voice ranges from come-hither to a cleansing rock scream, as the band rocks out behind her. It’s a two-guitar attack from Louie Zhelesnik and Andrew Gilchrist. (Zhelesnik is another Hobokenite, while Gilchrist and Nock live across the river.) During Nock’s “What makes you bleed?” chorus, the others chant backing vocals.
Ninety seconds in, we get a brief respite from the relentless rocking, followed by a guitar solo. Then Nock comes a-knockin’ once again on her electric sitar, trading phrases with the guitar.
The single and two other songs will be on an EP that is coming soon. I can’t wait to hear what else this psych-O mafia has in store.
“Blood (Coming Out of Her Whatever)” can be purchased on psych-O-positive’s bandcamp page. The band will be performing Saturday, November 4, at the free One Art—Hoboken event at the Issyra Gallery in the Neumann Leather building, 8pm–1am.