Tropical Storm Joaquin Could Impact Hoboken This Weekend
When it comes to weather, we try not to be Chicken Little here at hMAG. But some things do require our attention.
With that in mind, Tropical Storm Joaquin could potentially impact Hoboken this weekend. As the media frenzy is sure to build, it’s important to pay close attention to legitimate warnings and prepare for the possibility of storm conditions and their aftermath.
How you do that is up to you—run to the hardware store and buy up all the generators, or run to the liquor store and buy up all the bourbon.*
Your call. Most of us have been here before. We know that it can be messy, or it can simply blow out to sea.
We’re just putting it on your radar.
(*PRO TIP: In the event of a prolonged loss of power, liquor is better than beer as it does not require refrigeration. You’re welcome.)