BOOK IT — Little City Books Set to Open Saturday
(images via facebook.com/LittleCityBooks)
After months of anticipation, Little City Books is set to open up this Saturday, May 2, at its 100 Bloomfield Street location.
Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer is slated be on hand at 10:00 sharp to cut the ribbon.
“We want to be really inclusive. We are planning on having events that encompass the community,” said co-owner Donna Garban, in a recent interview with hMAG.
Garban, along with Kate Jacobs, and Emmanuelle Morgen feel there was a void left when Blackwater Books and Barnes & Noble in Hoboken closed. The new bookstore aims to fill it, not only with books, but with cool events: readings, theater, music, and more.
They aim to make the shop a welcoming place where people want to go. “In any urban environment it is necessary to have a bookstore,” says Garban.