City Seeks Input on Revisiting the “Hoboken Brand”
The City of Hoboken wants your input on its latest branding effort.
Back in January, a meeting was held to discuss plans for streetscapes, way-finding and branding initiatives here in Hoboken.
On the branding front, those meetings yielded the following:
In the following color options…
Furthermore, in the spirit of Jersey City‘s “Make it Yours” campaign, Hoboken has been looking for a catchy tagline.
Options include:
1) Mile Square City
2) History in the Making
3) (Always) Making History
In an effort to proactive, the City is looking for feedback from residents who are willing to complete THIS SURVEY, selecting their preferred options.
Of course we at hMAG.com look forward to numerous alternative options—of varying degrees of appropriateness—submitted to our social media platforms. (If we get enough good ones, we’ll do our own poll…)
Why is this necessary, you ask?
Well, while we all know Hoboken is a spectacular location with world-class views in absurdly close proximity to Manhattan, while featuring its own dynamic cultural and commercial vitality—most people know Hoboken as the punchline to a Bugs Bunny cartoon…