hMixer • FEB 26, 2014, Carpe Diem , Hoboken
Intro by Diana Schwaeble
Photos by Cezare Ramone
The latest mixer a t Carpe Diem, 1405 Grand St., attracted a lively crowd despite the cold. The midweek party on Wednesday, February 26, included regular fans and friends of the magazine, plus some newcomers. The par ty started early and lasted well into the night with guests packing the front room and even the cozy back. The Irish Pub, owned by Joe Jones, provided a warm welcome for the hundred or so guests in attendance. This month’s co-sponsor was HoLa, (Hoboken Dual Language Charter School). Proceeds from the raffle drawing will help the school. So until next time Hoboken, keep up the good work. We hope to see you at our next mixer! For information on how you can get involved as a sponsor or host, please email: info@hmag.com. ••