Hoboken Up To 15 Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus, 66 in Hudson County, 890 Statewide — Riverside Opening Testing Center Saturday
Hoboken is reporting 15 cases of Coronavirus, according to Mayor Bhalla. Hudson County in total has 66, with Jersey City last reporting 25, and cases recently announced in Bayonne, Weehawken, Kearney and North Bergen.
We have 155 new positive #COVID19 cases, bringing our total to 890.
• Atlantic: 3
• Bergen: 249
• Burlington: 17
• Camden: 11⁰
• Cape May: 1
• Cumberland: 1
• Essex: 73
• Gloucester: 3
• Hudson: 66
• Hunterdon: 11 pic.twitter.com/Gu1uX6Xf0G— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) March 20, 2020
Riverside Medical in Hoboken will be opening up a testing center for its current patients starting Saturday (see more below).
***CLICK HERE for more testing sites, via our friends at HobokenGirl.com***
Meanwhile Stevens is demanding students vacate on- and off-campus housing by March 27.
Full statement from Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla:
I want to first thank the many residents who heard my direct request to practice social-distancing at our City parks today, which I observed first-hand. I recognize this is a new and strange way to interact with your neighbors and friends, but it’s the only way we can all stay safe. Thank you also to the Hoboken Police Department for helping patrol our parks to ensure this occurred. Please remain self-isolated at home whenever possible, and if you need to go outdoors, please continue to utilize self-distancing and caution with others.
Two new positive cases
The Hoboken Health Department let me know that there are two new positive cases of COVID-19, with a total of 15 in Hoboken. As in all cases, the Health Department conducts an investigation to ensure those in contact with them begin to self-quarantine. 1 of the 15 individuals is fully recovered, 11 are recovering in self-isolation, and 3 remain hospitalized.
As of this afternoon, according to Governor Murphy, there are 890 positive COVID-19 cases in New Jersey.
Take 5 minutes and fill out your census forms!
With all the time we’re spending at home, one easy thing to complete while practicing self-isolation is to fill out your census form online. The census, which takes place every 10 years, is a critical benchmark for cities like Hoboken to reach a population benchmark, which qualifies us for important funding opportunities on the state and federal level. This is especially crucial now due to COVID-19, where communities like Hoboken will depend on funding for a variety of issues when this national pandemic is complete. 10 years ago, Hoboken just barely reached the 50,000 population benchmark by literally 5 people. The form you should have received in the mail provides you with a census ID number, which you then use to respond online at http://my2020census.gov. Thank you in advance for doing your part!
Testing center
As announced yesterday, the Riverside Medical Group is opening up an appointment-only testing center in North Hoboken on Saturday. As of right now, the testing center will conduct testing for Riverside patients only. We are hoping that this testing center can obtain additional testing kits soon to expand capacity. In order to be tested, you must call 201-863-3346 to book an appointment.
Restaurant and food services
To answer several inquiries and to update our policy, restaurants and food service establishments operating take out or carry out, along with all essential businesses are permitted to stay open until 10:00 pm, at which point our curfew starts. Pharmacies can stay open without restriction. This policy may change this weekend with a potential announcement from Governor Murphy tomorrow, so stay tuned for updates.
Designated supermarket hours
I’ve heard from some that the first day of designated supermarket hours for seniors (60+), pregnant women and the disabled was not as orderly as expected. My staff has been in touch with ShopRite and ACME to relay these concerns and I’m hopeful these issues will be rectified going forward. Please note that ACME (7-9 am) is only conducting the designated hours during the week, while ShopRite (7-8 am) and Kings (7-8 am) will continue the designated hours both during the week and the weekend. I ask that all residents respect these times when planning your shopping. And, when you’re there, please thank the employees who are going above and beyond to restock the shelves, as well as ensuring social distancing in our supermarkets.
Tenant advocate for those needing assistance
I completely sympathize with all of the residents who are going through difficult times and may no longer have their jobs due to COVID-19. We will be putting out additional information in the coming days for those who may be struggling to pay their rent with a reduced or lost paycheck. To that end, if you are a tenant and are struggling to make ends meet, we’re making our tenant advocate, Andrew Sobel, Esq. available for residents looking for free legal advice related to their tenancies, over the phone. To book an appointment, please email hfranklin@sobelhan.com or call 201-590-2728.
Tax update
The U.S. Treasury Secretary announced today that the deadline for filing federal taxes will be moved from April 15 to July 15. No interest or penalties will be assessed during this time. If you are owed refunds, you can still file earlier than the original deadline.
Testing services for uninsured
Governor Murphy today required all hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers (no FQHC’s exist in Hoboken) to waive fees for those individuals who are uninsured and need testing. If you do have insurance, we continue to recommend calling your primary care physician first who can recommend you for a COVID-19 test. Please only utilize the Hoboken University Medical Center if it is a true emergency.
COVID-19 hotlines
Please continue to use the two COVID-19 hotlines we have set up if you have any general questions or are a senior in need of assistance. While my office has received a number of calls, and I’ve received many myself through social media, the best way to get a quick response is by calling the general COVID-19 hotline at 201-420-5620, and if you’re a senior needing assistance, 201-420-5625. These lines are open 7 days a week from 9 am until 8 pm. Thank you to our Community Emergency Response Team for answering these calls.
Finally, I want to extend my gratitude and thanks to Lynette and Nancy from our Health Office, as well as Sgt. Montanez, Chief Ferrante, Director Pellegrini, Director Gonzalez, and Director Sharp, all of whom have been working around the clock to help coordinate our emergency response this past week.
And, thank you to all Hoboken residents for your continued understanding.
Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla