Hoboken Public Schools to Host Kindergarten Registration Events
Hoboken Public Schools will be hosting registration events for new students who would like to enroll into Kindergarten for the 2018-19 school year and are not currently enrolled in the Hoboken Early Childhood Pre-school Program.
Any child enrolling must be a Hoboken resident and must be 5 years old by October 1, 2018. The Student Enrollment Office will be hosting registration at the below locations on the following dates and times:
Hoboken Board of Education Offices
Demarest School Building
158 4th Street, Hoboken:
- Thursday, March 8th, 9am-1pm
- Friday, March 9th, 9am-1pm
- Monday, March 12th, 4pm-8pm.
David E. Rue School Gymnasium
301 Garden Street, Hoboken:
- Wednesday, April 11th 8:30am-2:30pm & 5pm-7:30 pm.
To register, parents and guardians must bring:
- immunization record (original)
- birth certificate or passport (original)
- two current proofs of residency with parent/guardians name. You must have one primary proof (deed, mortgage statement or lease) and one secondary proof (PSE&G bill, water or tax bill, cable TV/internet/phone, bank/ health insurance statement). Original proof of residency documents preferred.
“We are excited to meet new parents and help them with their kindergarten registration process for Hoboken Public Schools, as we receive a record number of interest and enrollment requests for our thriving elementary schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Christine Johnson.
“Our continued focus on individual success is seeing children across the district flourish, as we provide unique child-initiated learning experiences, and promote growth in the areas of cognition, physical, social and emotional domains.”
“We are also proud of the many wonderful achievements and advancements of initiatives for Hoboken kindergarten students, like our Passport to Learning and Explorations After School Program, which give children a unique opportunity to thrive beyond the classroom everyday.”
“Our excellent curriculum, together with these first class education programs and initiatives are taking children’s learning and development to the next level. I look forward to welcoming our future kindergarten students and their families into our fabulous classrooms and community, and helping them on their individual path to success,” said Dr. Johnson.
To save time, parents and guardians can download registration forms in prior to registration events at: http://www.hoboken.k12.nj.us.