Opposition to Overnight PATH Train Closure Steadily Increasing (UPDATED)
The line for the soapbox is getting pretty long here—as it should. This is kind of a big deal…
The overnight closure of the PATH Train—as proposed in a plan put forth by Governors Cuomo and Christie—would significantly impact Hoboken, Hudson County and even the entire state of New Jersey on a number of levels.
–Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer has stated that she will, “vigorously oppose any efforts to cut PATH service,” calling the plan, “penny wise and dollar foolish.”
–Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop is equally incensed, labeling the idea, “a case study in hypocrisy.”
–Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex), who chairs the committee investigating the George Washington Bridge closure scandal, has wondered aloud whether or not the move by Governor Christie, “isn’t some form of retribution for Mayor Fulop and Mayor Zimmer,” given their ongoing conflicts with the Governor.
–Hoboken Councilman Ravinder Bhalla has submitted a letter to the Jersey Journal, calling the proposal, “a clear step backwards for New Jersey.”
–U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) says, “The notion of using Port Authority reform as a ‘Trojan Horse’ for transit cutbacks is ill-conceived.
-even longtime Christie ally, State Senator Brian Stack (D-33), has lashed out against the plan, pointing out that, “this means of transportation is the only practical way for some of my constituents to travel to and from New York City.”
–Assemblyman Carmelo Garcia, who also sits on the Transportation Committee, says the plan, “is a bad idea that could have a devastating impact on thousands of commuters.”
–Hoboken 4th Ward Councilman Tim Occhipinti has asked the Port Authority to, “Please come to your senses and squash the recommendation to terminate overnight PATH service.”
-former Hoboken mayoral candidate Ruben Ramos says, “The ending of late night Path service is an absolutely ridiculous idea! We should be looking for more transportation options not less.”
–State Senate President Stephen Sweeney will meet with the Port Authority next week to discuss the moves in detail. “It’s important that we have a very thorough discussion on all the recommendations that have been put forward,” says Sweeney. “The PATH recommendation is not a good one. It’s a bad one. We created urban enterprise zones for mass transit. We need to focus on ensuring that the PATH stays with the service that it has.”
-the Port Authority’s own PATH Riders’ Council has vowed to, “strongly opposed to any reduction in PATH service that would adversely impact the communities it serves.”
-an online petition is underway, started by Hoboken’s Ronald Bautista via change.org, stating that, “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie underestimates the importance of overnight PATH service.”
This is obviously an issue that resonates here in Hoboken, and we’ll do our best to follow its progress (we’re adding updates to the growing list of vocal opposition). As one hMAG.com commenter pointed out, “Staten Island has a ferry that runs 24/7/365.”
That’s an excellent point…
To paraphrase Staten Island/Shao-Lin’s own Wu-Tang Clan, “PATH Train service ain’t nuttin’ to $*<% wit’.”
So make your voice heard, Hoboken—”Bring Da’ Ruckus.”