***Technically, this is an updated story, but reads exactly like the one we ran last month on the same subject...*** Stevens Institute of Technology continues…
Stevens Institute of Technology continues its ongoing campaign to build a new academic facility within the existing confines of the institute, one hurdle at a…
by Melissa Abernathy Photos courtesy of the Hoboken Historical Museum Let’s be honest—Hoboken’s densely built, mostly paved urban landscape is not the first place most…
(photo via twitter @StevensConnects) BREAKING NEWS: Science is cool. Seriously—it's not just "sorta neat," or "kinda interesting." Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (a.k.a. STEM) are…
Stevens Institute of Technology pulled back the curtain on Wednesday, showcasing the trendsetting projects in their 8th annual Innovation Expo—a day-long, campus-wide celebration of the…
Trading Day is for sophomores and juniors who are interested in studying business when they graduate from high school. The event provides exposure to high-tech…
Stevens Institute of Technology is looking to build a new academic facility within the existing confines of the institute. The project—providing much-needed academic space and…
by Jack Silbert Hoboken founder Colonel John Stevens III likely would’ve preferred if the chosen mode of transport was steamship or locomotive (his specialties) rather…
Educators, administrators, proud parents and hard-working Hoboken High School students gathered last night in the stunning hall of the Babbio Center last night, as Stevens…