RAVE: THE ANGRY CRAB — Fine Food Truck Fare
by Diana Schwaeble
photos by Tony Curado
It’s not just tacos or ice cream that is served out of food trucks. Nowadays, chefs vie for competitions and bragging rights by serving up delicious food that was previously only available in restaurants.
The Angry Crab is a family-run business, owned by partners and cousins Chris Curado and Mike Ponte. “We were at a festival in East Hanover to check out the scene. We saw that there were lines for the food trucks that were over an hour and thought it was a good business to get into,” says Chris. They immediately found a truck that was for sale and took it as a sign and opened for business in 2015.
The signature dish—“The Angry Crab”—is a spicy sandwich named after a dish in his family’s former restaurant. With their family’s years of experience in the restaurant business, they keep their menu simple and they keep their seafood fresh—with a few secret ingredients. “People tell us all the time that it’s the best they’ve ever had,” said Chris.
Recently, The Angry Crab won the best food award at the Meadowlands JerseyFest Food Truck Mash-up on June 4th. Eventually, they plan to expand their line of food trucks, but for now, they work on keeping customers happy and well-fed.
You can find the Angry Crab every other Friday at Pier 13 in Hoboken. For more information, visit TheAngryCrabNJ.com.