WHAT YOU READ: A Look Back at hMAG’s Top Stories of 2016
2016 was a pretty busy year at hMAG, as we did our best to keep you updated on the news and events that shape life here in the Mile Square City.
As the dust has settled and the fog lifts from the holidays, we look back at the top stories of 2016:
- PATH to Suspend Hoboken to 33rd Street Train on Weekends from August-December (June 9, 2016)
Say the words “PATH” and “Suspended,” and Hobokenites get nervous. Following Governor Christie’s threats to suspend weekend service altogether back in 2015, we finally got to realize what that was like, albeit in the short-term, as service was restored just last week… - HOBOKEN TRAIN CRASH: Transit Suspended, Casualties Reported (September 29, 2016)
Hoboken’s strong connection to Metro area transit was starkly reinforced in the wake of the tragic train crash which claimed the life of Hoboken resident Fabiola Bittar DeKroon, and left 108 others hospitalized. hMAG was among the first local media organizations on hand, while national and international outlets subsequently covered the story. - Hoboken Priest Suspended by Archbishop for Continued Support of LGBT Advocacy Groups (September 2, 2016)
In what was widely seen as a disappointing move, the outgoing Archbishop of Newark suspended Father Warren Hall, who had been serving at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Hoboken and St. Lawrence Church in Weehawken, for Hall’s support of LGBT Advocacy organizations. - BODY RECOVERED: Missing Hoboken Man Found in the Hudson River (January 26, 2016)
Hoboken lost yet another resident early on in the year, as a man’s body—who had been reported missing—was recovered off Pier A. - TRADER JOEBOKEN: Specialty Foods MegaChurch Gets Go-Ahead for Hoboken Store (April 27, 2016)
After clawing through red tape and shifting a few parking spaces, Trader Joe’s will likely open early this year. Don’t worry—we’ll keep you posted…
hMAG (Magazine):
Our eye-catching print publication continues to showcase life in contemporary Hoboken, while remaining faithful to our city’s rich heritage:
- HIGH-END HOBOKEN: Luxury Real Estate on ‘The Gold Coast’ Gets More Polished
Years ago you might snicker at seeing the words ‘Hoboken’ and ‘Luxury Real Estate’ in the same sentence. Well, a lot has changed… (by Christopher Halleron) - CURTAINS UP: Mile Square Theatre Puts Hoboken in the Spotlight
Mile Square Theatre’s 130-seat, fully modern performance space and education studios will permanently add theatre to Hoboken’s cultural and economic life. (by Jeff Kreisler) - MUTZ IS ALL YOU KNEAD: Hoboken’s Italian Delis Always Please With the Cheese
One does not simply walk into Mutz Fest… (by Christopher Halleron) - ONE CHILD AT A TIME: The Jubilee Center Strives to Affect Positive Change in the Lives of Hoboken’s Underserved Youth
The Jubilee Center is an afterschool program and summer camp catering to the low-income families of Hoboken. (by Jack Silbert) - DRINK LOCAL: The Birthplace of American Brewing, Hoboken Taps Into the Craft Movement
Brewing in America got its start in Hoboken, and now looks to make a triumphant return… (by Christopher Halleron)
Thanks for reading—looking forward to covering 2017…