SCHNACKENBERG’S UNDER WRAPS: Coffee Pots Go Cold at Historic Hoboken Luncheonette
Since 1931, Schnackenberg’s Luncheonette has been an iconic fixture at 1110 Washington Street. That will change, as regular customers found the historic storefront sealed off with ominous brown paper and a sign that reads, “closed for renovation.”

Schnackenberg’s Luncheonette
1110 Washington Street
Schnackenberg’s has been a labor of love for current proprietors Eugene and Joyce Flinn. Accomplished Hoboken restaurateurs, the Flinns took over the luncheonette a few years ago in an effort to update the cherished institution on the city’s main thoroughfare.
Earlier this month, HobokenGirl profiled the place and declared it a must-visit, while we here at hMAG previously had the honor of helping out in the kitchen as they made their mind-melting doughnuts.
As rumors swirl regarding the future of Schnackenberg’s, we reached out to Eugene Flinn, who indicated he did not want to comment at this time.
**UPDATE (11:45 a.m., Feb 1): Here’s the official comment from the owners:
After more than 30 years as Hoboken restaurateurs and a good run at Schnackenberg’s, we welcome Alfalfa and its younger, more energetic entrepreneurs to 1110 Washington Street.
We predict their healthy menu will be embraced by the residents of our beloved Mile Square City and wish them every success.
We’re extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and for the support and friendships we’ve shared.
As for us, we’re not going away; we’re just hoping to go a little slower.
-Joyce and Eugene Flinn**
We had recently spoken with Flinn for a story on the ongoing repairs of Washington Street, which had directly impacted his businesses.
“I understand that it has to be done,” said Flinn back in August, “but it has been done to the detriment of people who have invested their life savings into a business in this town.”
Flinn had owned Amanda’s at 908 Washington Street since 1993 and took over Elysian Café at 1001 Washington in 2004. Recently, however, he had divested his interests in both those establishments.
In December, Alfalfa Salad had begun operating a pop-up out of the Schnackeberg’s space during the evening hours. A recent facebook post indicated that they’ll be operating full-time at a Hoboken location:
No word on whether or not the salad joint will still be carrying doughnuts…