Texas Hold ‘Em / Blackjack at Hoboken Catholic Academy — FRIDAY
Hoboken Catholic Academy will be hosting it’s annual Texas Hold ‘Em / Blackjack Night THIS FRIDAY in the school gym (555 7th Street). Doors open at 6:30, gaming starts at 8:00.
Buy-in is $125 pre-registration/ $150 at the door for POKER, $40 pre-registration and $50 at the door for BLACKJACK.
Ticket prices include a buffet dinner, open bar*, and access to player instructional tables at the beginning of the event.
Last year’s event was a huge success, with a good time had by all.
Registration form available by clicking here.
All completed enrollment materials should be send to Donna Casper at HCA 555 7th Street Hoboken, NJ 07030. For more information, please contact Mike Tennaro at 201-659-4175 or visit www.hobokencatholic.org.
(*hMAG Editor/retired bartender Chris Halleron will be working the bar… he’s surly and he’s rusty, but he’s still quick with a bottle opener.)