Updates from the SUEZ Canal: Hoboken Water Main Break Continues
(Photo via Twitter @jnice8)
Formerly known as United Water, SUEZ has released the following statements regarding the Hoboken Water Main Break—now in its third day:
#hoboken #Jerseycity Line stop work this am unsuccessful. Operating valves near aqueduct to control water flow & support repair work today
— SUEZ Water NJ (@SUEZwaterNJ) November 24, 2015
That doesn’t sound good… expect the status quo for the time being. Boil Water advisory remains in effect for Hoboken and Jersey City:
Water conservation strongly encouraged this am, to limit pressure on system. Boil water only for #Hoboken #JerseyCity no boil water advisory
— SUEZ Water NJ (@SUEZwaterNJ) November 24, 2015
They ARE working on it… here’s a pic to prove it!
SUEZ emergency crews at work overnight making emergency repairs near the #Hoboken and #JerseyCity border. pic.twitter.com/cB8uYAYQ91
— SUEZ Water NJ (@SUEZwaterNJ) November 24, 2015
Bottom line: Conserve water, drink bottled water, plan accordingly. Traffic will be impacted for the time it takes to complete repairs—use public transit whenever possible. Furthermore, please consider altering your schedule to alleviate demand for water during peak hours:
Just took an off-peak full pressure shower! Changing it up to help reduce peak demand until our full system restored. #changeitupHoboken
— Dawn Zimmer (@dawnzimmernj) November 24, 2015