Work it Out Wednesday: Before You Get Married, Make Three Healthy Vows to Yourself
by Lisa Bruno
photo by Thaddeus Rombauer Photography
You said YES!!!
Now you find yourself planning a wedding and preparing to spend the rest of your life with your soulmate. While you have probably already chosen the perfect dress, venue, and more, the biggest planning is always centered around how you are going to look and feel inside and out on your big day.
Unlike the need to choose a date and venue months in advance, you can get your fitness and nutrition on track in under 90 days with some quick, healthy vows that you will make to yourself.
These three vows are going to keep you focused on the right foods to eat for your skin and health, along with what to drink to keep you glowing inside and out, as well as a good fitness regiment that isn’t overwhelming or too time consuming.
Vow #1: I vow to…veg out.
No, we do not mean lounging on the couch and trying to keep your stress level down, which would be nice, right? What we really mean is eat fresh, eat clean with vegetables and fruits.
This doesn’t have to be a complicated concept or an expensive one either. You’ll want to focus on purchasing items that have not been processed. This means raw vegetables and fruit. The purer the food, the easier it is for your body to utilize it and the less chance you’ll have of retaining any excess water. Also look for ingredient lists filled with things that you can understand – whole grains, fresh herbs, etc. Steer away from long, complicated, chemical-looking words.
We put together our top beautifying fruits and vegetables you’ll want to make staples in your diet. Each of the items listed can be included in your lunch as salad ingredients or in the evening with a nice lean protein for dinner.
Red Cabbage – By incorporating anti-inflammatory and vitamin A-, C- and E-rich food like cabbage into your diet, you can help prevent ore even get rid of fine lines. Try to choose purple cabbage because it has six to eight times more vitamin C than green. Chop into a daily salad for a little extra crunch!
Watercress – This beauty food can tackle patchy and uneven skin tone by having the ability to cleanse and oxygenate tissues for better blood flow and glowing skin. Watercress has a high amount of iron, which helps your red blood cells carry more oxygen to the body and the skin. Additionally, it is rich in calcium and iodine, which can help prevent a dull complexion. It’s a great alternative to spinach in your salad.
Beets – These little powerhouses are high in iron and contain the antioxidant betacyanin.They can be classified as a beauty food because they are a natural colon cleanser that can remove toxins and congestion from the body. You can roast these in the oven, or sauté in a pan with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with your favorite green and grain for a nice side dish.
Strawberries – These pretty little fruits have a double punch of vitamin C and ellagic acid. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and acts as an antioxidant to prevent environmental damage and ellagic acid increases skin’s ability to hold moisture and help fade dark spots caused by sun exposure. You can create a healthy dessert with these fruits, by slicing them and adding a touch of balsamic vinegar and basil.
You can find all of these foods across Hoboken at the local Farmers’ Markets:
- Downtown Farmers’ Market
Washington St. and Newark St.
Tuesdays, 3:00pm to 7:30pm (June 26 – Oct 26) - Uptown Farmers’ Market
Hudson St. & 13th St
Thursdays, 2:00pm to 7:00pm (June 26 – Oct 24) - Family Farmers’ Market
Garden Street Mews – Garden St & 14th St
Saturdays, 9:00am – 2:00pm (June 1 – Nov 23) - Rummage & Ruffage
On the lawn of the Church of the Holy Innocents (the corner of 6th and Willow)
Saturdays (May 9 – October 31)
8am – Yoga
9am – Juice and Coffee stands open
10am – 2pm Rummage and Ruffage
We also encourage clients to try and go meat-free for a day or a portion of the week, too. Challenge yourself to experiment with different vegetarian recipes and takeout options. If you are pressed for time, places like Matt & Meera on Washington Street along with Hoboken Gourmet, and Pure Pita all have nice grab and go vegetarian items to try out.
Vow #2: I vow to…get drunk in love.
Well, drunk on some great hydration.
You’ve heard it so many times, drink water. Well you are going to hear it again. Drink your water. You should get about 2.2-liters per day, which is about 9-glasses. It not only hydrates you, but it also supports a strong digestive system to move food through your system with ease and alleviate any bloating women feel on a regular day.
Sip on some antioxidants.
Tea is a great source of skin-boosting antioxidants, but green and white varieties are especially good because they have double the antioxidants of black tea as well as EGCG (epigallocatechingallate), a type of antioxidant that protects skin.
Our friends, a short stroll away in Jersey City Heights, at 942 Summit have a collection of teas from Do You Tea. Here you can find creator, Kelley Scruby, who recommends the Lemon Tonic for brides-to-be. Not only is it one of their best selling teas but it is also good hot or iced. This tea is a perfect cleansing drink and can help boost immunity. If you are looking for something particular, give her a visit and she will guide you to the perfect sip or even make you a custom blend.
Vow #3: I vow…to get busy!
Busy working out! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Consistent weekly workouts do not have to be daunting. Don’t over commit yourself, start with two to three workouts a week. It could be as easy as a 30-minute walk, jog around town, or signing yourself up for a class at a local studio… like Work it Out (hint, hint). The one thing you do want to be conscious of is incorporating a nice mix of cardio exercises and body weight training.
For example, sign yourself up for a class that includes a hybrid of the two. We currently offer a proprietary style of class called Blended Ride at our River Studio, which is 25-minutes of a spinning class on the bike and then 25-minutes off the bike, doing various weight-trainingexercises. You can also ‘work out with nature,’ and go for a nice run along the waterfront, and stop at 8-10-minute intervals and do 30-crunches and 10-push-ups for a total of 30-minutes. A great way to vary up your heart rate and work your muscles, and it also burns fat in the most efficient way.
You can also look for extra fitness motivation. Some studios offer bride-to-be specific packages that are filled with class packages and additional perks. At Work it Out we have two offerings for brides to be that include classes, nutrition counseling, meal plans and more, as well as an option to even host a healthy, bachelorette party with us!
Once you get your workouts going, treat yourself to some pampering. Local bath and body artisan, Niambi Cacchioli, creator of Bloomsbury Sq. has the perfect product to indulge in. Her Honey + Saltbloom Bath Soak will lavish your skin with nutrient-packed fleur de sel sea salt detoxifying rose kaolin clay, and nourishing powdered honey. You can use this as an exfoliate on your face after your wild bachelorette party or when you need some extra TLC. This product can also double as a bath soak too! You can purchase this online or also at 942 Summit in Jersey City Heights.
So there you have it—three vows that you can make to yourself that will not only make you the perfect bride, but also carry with you into wedded bliss!
Lisa Bruno is the co-founder and director of business development at Work it Out Fitness Studios<http://www.workitoutgym.com> in Hoboken. Bruno is an avid fitness and nutrition enthusiast (and has been since a very young age). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Food & Nutrition and is currently pursuing her certification as a Registered Dietitian.