Fight the Snow Today, for the Good of the People
Temperatures will rise above freezing later today, into the 40s. So if you’ve procrastinated clearing off your car, today is the day to do it…
Because tomorrow, you’re screwed.
On Thursday a cold front will move in, dropping temps into the single digits. Conditions will remain well below freezing on Friday, before warming ever so on Saturday back into the high 30s.
What does all this mean?
Snow on surfaces will melt a bit today. Tomorrow, all that melt will turn back into a bitter, spiteful layer of ice. So if there’s snow anywhere that needs to be removed—CARS, SIDEWALKS, ROADWAYS, perhaps—DO IT NOW.
City of Hoboken snow removal efforts are continuing as street cleaning resumes today, but there’s only so much that can be done. Cars left unmoved create tremendous obstacles for the heavy machinery attempting to clear the streets.
“If two people in the middle of the block don’t move their car,” said Mayor Zimmer, “depending on how they are parked, there is potentially not that much we can do to clean that block,” according to the Hudson Reporter.
Out of frustration, the City is reportedly floating the idea of doubling down on parking violations that disrupt Hoboken snow removal efforts, generating fines “not less than $100 and not more than $200.”
Your call. Get off your backside and deal clear your car today, or let it continue to wallow in its icy tomb while the cold, harsh forces of bureaucracy move to compound your misery.
Either way, Hoboken in the winter is soul-crushing. That’s why we have so many bars…
Na zdorovie, komrad.